Throughout the year, we try to enhance our curriculum offer by enriching the learning experiences we offer with visits, visitors, celebrations and fun.

To see what particular year groups have experienced recently, please see the year group blogs:









Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6


Year 1 visit the museum in Fleetwood

Year 1 visit the War Memorial

Year 1 enjoying a fire with toasted marshmallows as a stunning start to their ‘Out and About’ work

Year 1 trip to Blackpool Zoo

Year 1 solve problems in the ‘dark, dark classroom’

Year 1 enjoy Yoga

Year 1 took advantage of the snow

Year 1 visited the crib in church

Year 3 made and tasted their own soup

Year 3 tried on Roman artefacts borrowed from the Library Service

Year 3 had a visit from the RNLI

Year 3 took part in a yoga activity to help with their mindfulness

Year 4 Castlerigg Trip

Year 4 Cultural Similiarities and Differences

Year 4 Tree Planting

Year 4 Greek Workshop

Year 5 work in the school garden

Year 5 visit the Lancashire Museum

Year 5 explore Mayan artefacts