Your child's daily attendance at school is very important.
Did you know...
- a child who is absent a day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their school life
- 90% of young people with absence rates below 85% fail to achieve five or more good grades of GCSE and around one third achieve no GCSEs at all.
- poor school attendance is also closely associated with crime a quarter of school age offenders have truanted repeatedly
Poor attendance can also:
- mean that children fall behind in work
- affect their motivation
- affect their enjoyment of learning
- lead to poor behaviour
- affect their desire to attend school regularly
- affect their confidence in school
- mean they miss out on the social life of school and extra curricular opportunities and experiences
- affect their ability to have or keep friendships.
Miss Liddle (Family Support Worker) and Ms Newsham (admin officer) form the school's attendance team in school. They meet weekly to discuss children who are persistent absentees, who are nearly at persistent absentee thresholds, whose attendance is in decline.
Each term the Governors receive a report about the attendance of all classes and the groups across school (girls, boys, pupil premium). The SENDCo (Miss Hannah) and Pupil Premium Leader (Mrs Southward) also receive this report and regular updates from the attendance team.