Mrs Morris and Miss Moore are the Reading Subject Leaders at The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School. Reading is part of our English, Language and Communication Faculty which is led by Mrs Morris.



English Reading

For details about the curriculum for each year group, please select from the following:

Early Years Year 1 Year 2


Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6


In class, children will be learning phonics, sight words and strategies to read unknown words. They will be part of a daily phonics session, which will develop their phonological knowledge and the skills of blending and segmenting.

Learning to Read

We use Oxford Reading Tree books for teaching reading . All of our books are phonetically decodable. 

Library Books

In addition to guided reading and individual home reading, all children from Reception onwards become members of our school library. They will have a session in our school library each week. During this time they can browse books and choose one to take back to class and read for pleasure. This book might be one that they want to read for themselves or have an adult read to them and may vary in difficulty. The whole point in that they read for pleasure whether alone or with a sibling or adult. This book can be changed whenever they have library time.

Class Readers

We place a great deal of value on reading, listening to and sharing high quality texts as a class. Some of these texts will be revisited during our English work. We have a mixture of authors and our children really look forward to spending this time together as a class:

Year 1

Year 1 Class Reading Books

The Colour Monster

The Colour Monster

Anna Llenas

The Hodgeheg

The Hodgeheg

Dick King-Smith

Animal Stories

Animal Stories

Jill Tomlinson

Clarence Bean Books

Clarence Bean Books

Lauren Child

George’s Marvellous Medicine

George’s Marvellous Medicine

Roald Dahl

Pet Stories

Pet Stories

Enid Blyton

Year 2

Year 2 Class Reading Books

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Jill Tomlinson

Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox

Roald Dahl

Animal Tales

Animal Tales

Dick King Smith

I was a Rat

I was a Rat

Philip Pullman

Summer Adventure Stories

Summer Adventure Stories

Enid Blyton

Year 3

Year 3 Class Reading Books

A Bear Called Paddington

A Bear Called Paddington

Michael Bond

Danny the Champion of the World

Danny the Champion of the World

Roald Dahl

The Water Horse

The Water Horse

Dick King Smith

Tom’s Midnight Garden

Tom’s Midnight Garden

Philippa Pearce

The Iron Man

The Iron Man

Ted Hughes

The Abominables

The Abominables

Eva Ibbotson

Year 4

Year 4 Class Reading Books

The Weather Weaver

The Weather Weaver

Tamsin Mori

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon

Cressida Cowell

Planet Omar

Planet Omar

Zanzibar Mian

Who Let the Gods Out

Who Let the Gods Out

Maz Evans

Born to Run

Born to Run

Michael Morpurgo

Class Choice

Class Choice

Philip Pullman

Year 5

Year 5 Class Reading Books



Michael Morpurgo

Journey to the River Sea

Journey to the River Sea

Eva Ibbotson

The Railway Children

The Railway Children

E. Nesbit



Andrew Norris



Katherine Rundell

The Explorer

The Explorer

Katherine Rundell

Year 6

Year 6 Class Reading Books

I Am Malala

I Am Malala

Malala Yousafzai

Night Bus Hero

Night Bus Hero

Onjali Q Rauf

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens

The Girl of Ink & Stars

The Girl of Ink & Stars

Kiran Millwood Hargrave



R J Palacio

Welcome to Nowhere

Welcome to Nowhere

Elizabeth Laird



Louis Sachar


Every year we celebrate World Book Day where children and staff are invited to dress up as book characters and talk to others about who they are and the book that their character is from.

This year World Book Day is Thursday March 7th 2024

Some of our staff have recorded stories for you to listen to whenever you like:

Some of our staff have recorded their favourite poems to share with you: