6 May 2020
2S you have been so busy. The photos and the work are fabulous and myself (Mrs Whittell) and Mrs Morris love to see them, please keep them coming...
Above and below, Thomas making a fabulous reminder of this time spent together....
Lola C has been busy learning about plants. She used a bluebell that was being replanted in her garden to draw and label her plant....
Laura has been learning lots and has also been getting creative and spending time in her garden with her cat-it looks like she has had lots of fun.....
Katharin has been busy with lots of different activities including learning about the Egyptians, Italy, plants and some Maths and English work too...
As well as some fabulous work, and receiving the over and above award last week, Oliver made cakes with his sister and got to lick the spoon...
Harry has been working on an animal project. These drawings are great-I think he likes dogs...
Steven has been very busy with all of this learning...
Well done 2S-you are all amazing!