Can you build another me?
We had great fun learning about our new book - Can I build another me?
We made robots and then had a go at being one!
Ask us what is the same and different between us and robots!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Ready to travel!
We travelled the United Kingdom last week! We travelled to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to learn about them.
At each country we tasted a local food and then learnt some facts which we recorded in our passports!
Ask us what we…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Preparing for our poetry performance
We have been busy learning a poem off by heart to perform in assembly this week. We have made props to support it.
Ask us what we made!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Ribbleton Vet Surgery
It's been a very busy week at the Vet's. The children have been taking great care of a range of pets in the new surgery.
Little Red Riding Hood
Today we have started a new unit in English learning all about fairy tales. We tried to remember as many as we could and thought about which were our favourite. We talked through the story of Little Red Riding Hood and decided to make some cakes for Grandma. We are looking forward to eating…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Stay and Play YRS
A huge thank you to all our parents and guardians who came to visit during our stay and play. We all had lots of fun showing you all our amazing learning! We look forwards to welcoming you again soon...
Tennis Y1S
We had a special tennis lesson this week with two coaches coming to school so we could learn new skills. We had great fun taking a ball for a walk, bouncing a ball on a racket as well as throwing and catching over the net.
Ask us about it - it was so much fun!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Reception Blessed Stay & Play
It was great to see so many parents and carers at our Stay & Play. The children were thrilled to be able to show off their classroom and all the wonderful things they have been learning.
Our trip to The Sealife Centre
Today the children in 2S went on a trip all the way to Blackpool Sealife Centre. We saw so many different sea creatures including rays, sharks, turtles and lots of different types of fish. We are learnt about the different habitats each animal lived in. We all really enjoyed ourselves. Ask us all…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Tennis in 2S
Today we had some special visitor in school to teach us some tennis skills. We had to practise using the racquet and controlling the ball, we even tried to serve the ball over the net. It was very exciting!
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Outdoor adventures in YRS
This week in outdoor adventures, we used our imagination and pretended to be spies. We navigated different spaces to dodge the lasers.
Young Voices 2025
We truly could not be prouder of our fabulous children! All the singers represented our school with amazing, positive attitudes and we had an absolute ball! Their hard work and dedication in preparing for the concert just leaves me in awe of each and every one of them! Well done my lovely…