Winter walk

Image of Winter walk

In Y1 we learn about the seasons and go for a wak around the school grounds each month to see what has changed. Friday was a great day for learning about Winter. We noticed that all the leaves had fallen from many of the trees and it was a lot colder than the last time we went for a walk.  We even…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Y1 Church visit

Image of Y1 Church visit

Year 1 enjoyed a visit to Church to look at the Nativity scene.  They were very knowledgeable about the story of Jesus’ birth and their behaviour in Church was impeccable. Well done Year 1.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Outside learning

Image of Outside learning

Year 1 have been doing some of their learning outside this week. We have enjoyed comparing the lengths and heights of different objects. We have loved acting out ‘Room on the broom’ which is the story we are reading in English this week.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Love thy neighbour

Image of Love thy neighbour

This week we have been reading the bible story 'The Good Samaritan' and thinking about who our neighbours are. The we thought about the story and understood that God wants us to love everyone. We have made cards for our Parish neighbours and will be taking them to church to give to the…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Science - senses

Image of Science - senses

We have been investigating our senses in science this week. We enjoyed using our sense of smell and taste. Most of us didn’t like the smell of the sardines and we thought the lemons tasted sour! Next week we are going to focus on our sense of sight and hearing.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Our senses

Image of Our senses

We are learning about our body in Science.

This week we have been testing our senses. We matched sounds, smelled and tasted food, sorted textures and tried to complete everyday tasks whilst blind folded.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



Image of Happiness!

We were thinking about our feelings in 1Sacrament this week. We talked about what makes us happy.  We thought our families and friends help us feel happy.  We did some activities which made us feel happy including making (and eating) an apple crumble using apples from the school garden and doing…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



Image of PE

We have been practising lots of skills in PE this week including bouncing a ball, pencil rolls, balancing and jumping.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Our School family

Last week we had a tour of school looking for all the people who make up 'Our school family'.

We met our Head Teacher, Miss Hannah and our Deputy Mr Aris. We also met Miss Liddle, a class of year 6 children learning Spanish, a cook, a cleaner, the site supervisor and our wonderful office staff,…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Autumn Walk

Image of Autumn Walk

Super observing during our Autumn walks in Year 1 this week. The children found leaves which had changed colour and fallen from the trees. They noticed that the flowers didn't have colourful petals anymore and they spotted the apples and blackberries growing in the school garden.  Some children…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Welcome to 1B

Image of Welcome to 1B

We have had a lovely few days getting to know each other in 1B. The children have settled into their new classroom very well. We have been learning about our corridor Saint; St. Patrick and making shamrock collage pictures to make a super display in school.

Mrs Jacques

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Websites to help you to support your child at home

There are many amazing free websites that you can access from home that will help you to support your child.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG