5B Tortilla Making

Image of 5B Tortilla Making

This term in DT, 5 Blessed have been exploring tortillas and making decisions about what they would and wouldn’t like inside a tortilla of their making. We have researched tortillas, practised key skills such as cutting and spreading, designed their own tortilla, made them safely and finally…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


5B - Teamwork and Problem Solving in PE

Image of 5B - Teamwork and Problem Solving in PE

This term, children in 5B will be developing their teamwork and problem solving skills during PE lessons. This weeks game was to guide each other to an end point whilst blindfolded. This game developed the children’s listening and communication skills, understanding that sometimes they have to let…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


A visit to Ribbleton Library

Image of A visit to Ribbleton Library

To celebrate World Book Day, year 5 walked to the local library to listen to a story and spend time looking at some of the books.

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


5 Blessed Pastoral



Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


5 Blessed History

Image of 5 Blessed History

5B had a fabulous afternoon with a carousel of activities linked to our History learning this term about The Mayan’s.  We were introduced to their chronology, used sticks and stones for Maths, attempted our own glyphs (an early form of writing) and used our locational knowledge to identify Mayan…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


5B Video editing

Image of 5B Video editing

We enjoyed using the iPads to look at different techniques used in video editing.  We experimented with different camera angles and a variety of ranges: close, mid and long, deciding which gave the better quality of sound.  Some interesting photos and videos!

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Anti bullying week 5B

Image of Anti bullying week 5B

We ‘reached out’ and kicked off anti-bullying week by wearing our odd socks to show how unique every one of us is.  We then designed our own odd socks and celebrated our individuality.

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Year 5 Netball

Image of Year 5 Netball

Year 5 having enjoyed learning new netball skills and putting their chest pass and shooting pass into practise - some promising netballers amongst us

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Image of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

To celebrate the 70 years the Queen has been on the throne, 5B made some Union Jack bunting and learnt some interesting facts about Her Majesty’s reign.

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Mayan Trading in 5S

Image of Mayan Trading in 5S

In 5 Sacrament, as part of our history topic we have been learning about the Ancient Mayans.  This week we focused on how trading was an integral part to the survival of the Mayans.


We investigated what items they would have traded and then created our own market place and attempted to…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Art Exhibition

Image of Art Exhibition

This week in 5S, we have been preparing for the art exhibition which is going to show case the amazing art work that we produced a couple of weeks ago.


In Year 5, we were inspired by Jackson Pollock and created some amazing street art with a twist.  Our pieces are called ‘Caught in the…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Ukulele in 5S

This half term in year 5 we will be spending some time with a specialist teacher to develop our skills in playing the ukulele.


Last week we learnt how to hold the ukulele correctly, the names of the strings and how to play the A chord.

This week we are learning all about major and minor…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG