3 November 2019
Welcome back. There is lots going on this half term so please keep checking the website. You should have all received the newsletter this week with important dates for the diary. We will shortly begin practising for the KS1 nativity - learning our lines and dance moves to perform on Wednesday 4th December at 2.15pm and 6pm.
We have been talking to the children this week about bonfire safety and they have all been very excited.
We have sent home the Home Learning sheets and the half termly overview so that you can support your child in their learning. Thank you for all the fabulous home learning that took place last half term - we received some fabulous photographs of children cooking and model making - please don't forget that you can email any pictures and we will print the off to add to the home learning books.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns
Mrs Morris and Miss Bonsor
Posted by Angela Morris
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG