16 May 2024

This half term in English and Pastoral we have been learning about Farm to Fork. We wanted to act like farmers and plant our own food to grow and hopefully be able to eat in a couple weeks time!
First, we had to weed our patch in the garden, there was a lot to do and 3B worked so hard weeding!
Luckily, we knew all about weeds, what they did and what they looked like due to our previous topic in Science - a plants life cycle. So we dug down deep to ensure we got all of the weeds out.
We then planted our potatoes and we are so excited to look after them in the next few weeks, making sure they are always covered by the soil and have lots of water.
We also went into the poly tunnel with Mrs Morris who helped us plant radishes and beans, which we can’t wait to try too!
We had such a fun afternoon in our beautiful school garden!
3B planting in the garden
Posted by Anna Stewart
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG