Science in 3 S
Learning about bones in our body
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
The end of 3B
Wow…what a year it has been 3B!
We have had lots of amazing memories together and you truly have been the best class anyone could wish for. I am an extremely lucky teacher to have been able to teach you all. You have made my first year of teaching amazing and one I will never forget. Everyday,…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Sports Day!
We had a fantastic day at our sports day last week! Thank you to everyone who came to watch the children and supported them. Also, a big thank you to Mr Thompson for being a fab host! Well done to all the children for taking part and having a fun afternoon!
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3B The Water cycle
Last week in 3B we were learning about the water cycle. To help us, we conducted an experiment to see what happens to water in the water cycle.
First, the sun heats up the water in the sea and creates water vapour which rises up to the sky. Water vapour is a gas so you can’t see it. We learnt…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
The Iron Man
Last term, we read the novel ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes as our class novel.
We really enjoyed it and have been waiting since we finished reading it to start our English unit.
In our first lesson, we investigated some of the wonderful vocabulary that the author used to describe The Iron Man…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3B following instructions
One of our English topics this term is instructions.
Miss Stewart knows how good we are at following verbal instructions so she wanted to put us to the test and see if we could read and follow a set of instructions to make chocolate crispy cakes all by ourselves!
We did an amazing job and…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3B planting in the garden
This half term in English and Pastoral we have been learning about Farm to Fork. We wanted to act like farmers and plant our own food to grow and hopefully be able to eat in a couple weeks time!
First, we had to weed our patch in the garden, there was a lot to do and 3B worked so hard weeding!
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Lifecycle of a plant
Our current science topic is Plants. In our most recent lesson, we learnt about the different stages in the lifecycle of a flowering plant.
To recap the stages please have a look at the following website.
Once we were…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3S Making Music
In Year 3 this half term, we have been very lucky to have been joined by Mrs Rayton from the Lancashire Music Service. She is an expert in teaching music and is a much better singer than Mr Thompson!
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning how to sing the gospel song ‘He’s Got The…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3B Science observation - materials that reflect
This week in Science in 3B, we have been looking at reflection. We have learnt that reflection is when light from an object is reflected by a surface and it changes direction. It bounces off the surface at the same angle as it hits it.
We wanted to test which materials reflect light the best.
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3B Trip to the Farm!
Today we went to Ridgeway Farm and had such a fun day!
We learnt lots of interesting facts we never knew before, we got to feed all the farm animals and we even saw a lamb that was only born yesterday!
We loved our trip to the farm!
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3S Trip to Ridgeway Farm
On Monday, 3S got their wellies on and went to Ridgeway Farm.
When we arrived, we were greeted by Farmer Helen and some rather unpleasant smells!
Next, we went into the farm and had a chat with Farmer Helen about what kind of farm she ran and learnt some interesting facts about how lots of…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG