Outdoor PE

We all enjoyed a lovely PE lesson this afternoon. We have been learning how to do underarm throws. Today, we used tactics to try and win a game. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Our Father

Year 1 have been learning the Our Father prayer as part of our pastoral learning. They have learnt it so well and sing beautifully. Ask them to sing it for you at home…



Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Meet Sid

We would like to introduce you to Sid.


Sid is an African Land Snail and has recently moved into school. Year 1 have are fascinated with him and are having great fun watching him and even bathing him! Sid has arrived at the perfect time as we learn all about animals in science this half…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



The whole school have had yoga sessions over the last two weeks. Year 1 Sacrament thoroughly enjoyed their turn today. Their behaviour was wonderful and there was a lovely calm feeling in the room. Maybe they can show you some of the things they did at home?

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Snow Day!

What perfect weather for our English lesson today! Instead of just writing about fun things to do in snow we got to go outside and try them out! Catching snowflakes, making snowmen, making snow angels, looking for tracks in the snow and throwing snowballs! Great fun was had by all, including Miss…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Which clothes should we wear in this weather?

Year 1 had great fun trying on a variety of clothes in school last week. In geography we are learning about the weather. We had a huge pile of clothes and our task was to sort them out into piles of clothes for snow, rain, wind and sun. As you can see, everyone enjoyed it. 


Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Christmas Dinner!

Year 1 have had a lovely Christmas week in school. We have made Christmas cards and enjoyed Christmas crafts. We have written the nativity story, been to mass and enjoyed carols around the tree. On Thursday, we all enjoyed our Christmas dinner. Have a great Christmas!

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Planting Bulbs

Image of Planting Bulbs

Year 1 have been busy thinking about growing.


We have planted crocus bulbs in grass and we have planted some bulbs in pots so we can watch them grow.


We enjoyed getting a bit muddy filling our pots with compost and we made sure we planted the bulbs roots down!


Watch this…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Year 1 War Memorial Visit

Year 1 showed their respect and manners on their walks to the war memorial today. Everyone was very polite and a represented our school so well. We enjoyed seeing the memorial to those who died in wars and reflected on the sacrifice they made. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Year 1 Sacrament are settling in very well.

Year 1 Sacrament are settling in to their new routines well. Today, we enjoyed our PE outdoors. We finished just before the rain began!



Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!


Year 1 have had great fun this afternoon for the start of their new topic in history. We are learning about the history of the seaside. I am sure they will tell you all about it. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

The Tiger came to tea on World Book Day in Year 1 and shared their favourite story ! Children enjoyed a range of book related activities throughout the day.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG