4B Christmas Fun

Image of 4B Christmas Fun

4B have enjoyed lots of Christmas activities this week. We had a great afternoon on Wednesday playing chocolate bingo, taking part in different party games and making Christmas cards.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Outdoors Fun

Image of 4B Outdoors Fun

Our trip to Brockholes had to be postponed last week. Instead we took part in lots of different activities. Ask us about den building, environmental art, sketching minibeasts, how to find out types of tree and why our garden is a good habitat for worms, woodlice, spiders and centipedes.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4 Virtual Parliament Tour

Image of Year 4 Virtual Parliament Tour

This half term year 4 have been learning about Parliament and the law. We completed our learning with a virtual tour of Parliament. The children sat and listened really well and impressed the tour guide with their knowledge. They were really keen to answer questions and show off what they…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4B Maths

Image of Year 4B Maths

In maths we are learning about multiplication. We have been making arrays to represent different numbers and using our 10 times tables to help us work our our 9s and 11s. We have learnt a new maths word this week too - factors! 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Habitat hunt

Image of 4B Habitat hunt

Year 4 have started a new science topic all about living things and their habitats. We went on a treasure hunt around our school garden to find garden worms, insects with more than 6 legs, dead leaves, green items and lots of other things. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Image of Yoga

To help celebrate World Mental Health Day, Year 4 had the chance to give yoga a try.

It was a very informative session and allowed the children to consider different ways to relax when they are finding something tricky.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Map work in Geography 4S

Image of Map work in Geography 4S

In Geography, we have been learning about scale on digital maps and in Atlases. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Asked an expert!

Image of 4B Asked an expert!

Year 4B have been learning about teeth. As well as investigations in class, they were also able to ask a real dentist some of their questions and have a video tour of his dentist room. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4B Digestive System

Image of Year 4B Digestive System

We have been learning about the digestive system. We investigated what happens to our food at each stage. It was very messy but we really enjoyed it.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


An ‘egg’speriment in 4S

Image of An ‘egg’speriment in 4S

In 4S we have been learning about how to care for our teeth and gums. We conducted an experiment to see which drinks are most harmful. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Learning about the Digestive System in 4S

Image of Learning about the Digestive System in 4S

We have had lots of fun learning about how the human digestive system works. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Digestive System

Image of 4B Digestive System

We have been learning about the digestive system in year 4. This week we investigated what happens to our food at each stage. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG