Year 6 Blessed vs Sacrament

Image of Year 6 Blessed vs Sacrament

Year 6 have had a brilliant afternoon taking part in the Blessed vs Sacrament school football tournament.  All the children were good team players and supported each other well whilst also having a really good time.  We find out who the winners will be on Friday….Blessed or Sacrament…who…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


6S Science walk

Image of 6S Science walk

6S had a fabulous time at Avenham park looking at different flowering and non flowering plants and animals local to our area for our Science unit on classification

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 talk about homelessness

Image of Year 6 talk about homelessness

Year 6 enjoyed listening to our visitors from Emmaus, who told us all about how they help the homeless people in Preston.  Our children asked some thought provoking and meaningful questions and I was incredibly proud of them as were our visitors, who complimented their maturity and sensitivity in…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


6B Electricity Investigations

We investigated what happens to the brightness of a bulb if you change the voltage of the circuits.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Survival - the cactus.

Image of Survival - the cactus.

This week in 6S we looked at how cacti have adapted to survive in very harsh conditions.  We studied the plants and made detailed scientific drawings.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Special Guest Reader

Image of Special Guest Reader

6S had a special guest to read a chapter of their class novel today.  Miss Hannah joined us by zoom to read the next exciting instalment of Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo.  Thank you Miss Hannah it was good to see and hear you!

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Council Elections

Image of Council Elections

Congratulations to the newly elected school councillors for 6B!

The class were invited to prepare a speech, which they then read to the class. 

Everyone in the class had 2 votes to elect the members to represent them.

Good luck with your new roles!

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Sharing our Writing with Miss Hannah

Image of Sharing our Writing with Miss Hannah



Today Miss Hannah joined us through Teams to hear some of the fantastic writing we have been doing this week. 

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


6S - Science Adaptation and Evolution

Image of 6S - Science Adaptation and Evolution





This week 6S enjoyed conducting an experiment to test different types of "bird beaks" with different types of food.  Instead of bird beaks we used bulldog clips, lolly sticks, tweezers and forks.  We…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


SCIENCE - Adaptation - Birds' Beak Investigation

Image of SCIENCE - Adaptation - Birds' Beak Investigation

In Science this week, we looked at how birds' beaks have adapted over time to help them survive. We used different shaped objects to represent beaks and we tried to pick up different types of food that birds would eat.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Being Awesome Part 6 - "Bouncebackability"


Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Being Awesome Part 5 - Lost but not lost.


Category: YEAR 6 BLOG