Year 6 visit to Queen Street Mill

Image of Year 6 visit to Queen Street Mill

Year 6 have really enjoyed bringing our History topic to life and experiencing what life was actually like for the cotton mill workers.  The children experienced weaving along with a very informative tour of the mill and description of each job role within the factory.  The children’s behaviour…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 SAT’s breakfast

Image of Year 6 SAT’s breakfast

We’ve had a very busy week with SAT’s but were able to enjoy a nice breakfast together each morning to chat and relax.  The Year 6 team are proud of each and every child and the resilience and determination that all the children have shown this week.  Go Year 6!!

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Science Competition

Image of Science Competition

Congratulations to 5Sacrament for winning our ‘What is it?’ Competition during Science week. Thank you for all the entries to the poster competition. As you can see from the photograph the entries were fantastic. The overall winner was Hrithik.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 Fire safety talk

Image of Year 6 Fire safety talk

Year 6 were very knowledgeable about what to do in an emergency when we welcomed some local firemen in to school.  They were also warned about the dangers of leaving phones and devices plugged in overnight. 

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG



Image of 6S

6S were thrilled to attend PNE vs Bournemouth on Saturday and witness a 2-1 victory to PNE…loved seeing you all so happy 6S … me and Miss Straker are just mega proud of you ❤️

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Archie’s conscience alley

Image of Archie’s conscience alley

Just wow Archie…4 days in to our unit and you are producing this…super proud of you and of all Year 6

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 battle scene - Macbeth

Image of Year 6 battle scene - Macbeth

Year 6 became soldiers in the battle between Scotland and Norway during the introduction to our new English unit of Macbeth! Some fierce moves and fabulous vocabulary created! 

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 Blessed vs Sacrament

Image of Year 6 Blessed vs Sacrament

Year 6 have had a brilliant afternoon taking part in the Blessed vs Sacrament school football tournament.  All the children were good team players and supported each other well whilst also having a really good time.  We find out who the winners will be on Friday….Blessed or Sacrament…who…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


6S Science walk

Image of 6S Science walk

6S had a fabulous time at Avenham park looking at different flowering and non flowering plants and animals local to our area for our Science unit on classification

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 6 talk about homelessness

Image of Year 6 talk about homelessness

Year 6 enjoyed listening to our visitors from Emmaus, who told us all about how they help the homeless people in Preston.  Our children asked some thought provoking and meaningful questions and I was incredibly proud of them as were our visitors, who complimented their maturity and sensitivity in…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


6B Electricity Investigations

We investigated what happens to the brightness of a bulb if you change the voltage of the circuits.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Survival - the cactus.

Image of Survival - the cactus.

This week in 6S we looked at how cacti have adapted to survive in very harsh conditions.  We studied the plants and made detailed scientific drawings.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG