English in 6S
In our English lessons over the last week we have been reading a book called 'The Island' by Armin Greder. We have found this book very interesting and thought provoking.
The book is about a man who gets washed up on an island with nothing to his name and the islanders have to decide whether…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Perspective Art
In Year 6, we have been investigating the use of perspective. This is the representation of 3D objects in in 2D pieces of art. We have learnt about the horizon line and the focal point.
We then used this knowledge to produce our own piece of art. I think there are some amazing artists in…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
In Year 6 this week, 6B have started their swimming lessons at Fulwood Leisure Centre.
I had the privilege of joining the class on their first session on Wednesday and I was blown away by the bravery of some of the children who had never stepped foot in a pool before.
I was also massively…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Whole School Mass
On Wednesday, the whole school attended the first Mass of the year.
It was a proud day for some of the members of Year 6 as they performed admirably in helping Mrs McCaul set up church ready for us and then giving readings and performing the bidding prayers.
The rest of Year 6 were…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
First Week in Year 6
It has been a great week back at school and we have loved being in Year 6.
We have enjoyed being able to sit on benches during our assemblies, being given more responsibilities around school and some of the stunning starts to our learning.
In RE this week we went outside onto the…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 visit to Queen Street Mill
Year 6 have really enjoyed bringing our History topic to life and experiencing what life was actually like for the cotton mill workers. The children experienced weaving along with a very informative tour of the mill and description of each job role within the factory. The children’s behaviour…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 SAT’s breakfast
We’ve had a very busy week with SAT’s but were able to enjoy a nice breakfast together each morning to chat and relax. The Year 6 team are proud of each and every child and the resilience and determination that all the children have shown this week. Go Year 6!!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Science Competition
Congratulations to 5Sacrament for winning our ‘What is it?’ Competition during Science week. Thank you for all the entries to the poster competition. As you can see from the photograph the entries were fantastic. The overall winner was Hrithik.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 Fire safety talk
Year 6 were very knowledgeable about what to do in an emergency when we welcomed some local firemen in to school. They were also warned about the dangers of leaving phones and devices plugged in overnight.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
6S were thrilled to attend PNE vs Bournemouth on Saturday and witness a 2-1 victory to PNE…loved seeing you all so happy 6S … me and Miss Straker are just mega proud of you ❤️
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Archie’s conscience alley
Just wow Archie…4 days in to our unit and you are producing this…super proud of you and of all Year 6
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 battle scene - Macbeth
Year 6 became soldiers in the battle between Scotland and Norway during the introduction to our new English unit of Macbeth! Some fierce moves and fabulous vocabulary created!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG