World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

We had a lovely day enjoying lots of stories and doing lots of story activities. We very much enjoyed ending the day in 2S with a cup of chocolate milk, a cookie and a bedtime story!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Little Red Riding Hood

Image of Little Red Riding Hood

Today we have started a new unit in English learning all about fairy tales. We tried to remember as many as we could and thought about which were our favourite. We talked through the story of Little Red Riding Hood and decided to make some cakes for Grandma. We are looking forward to eating…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Our trip to The Sealife Centre

Image of Our trip to The Sealife Centre

Today the children in 2S went on a trip all the way to Blackpool Sealife Centre. We saw so many different sea creatures including rays, sharks, turtles and lots of different types of fish. We are learnt about the different habitats each animal lived in. We all really enjoyed ourselves. Ask us all…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Tennis in 2S

Image of Tennis in 2S

Today we had some special visitor in school to teach us some tennis skills. We had to practise using the racquet and controlling the ball, we even tried to serve the ball over the net. It was very exciting! 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Artwork

2S have been exploring colour mixing and have used their new skills to create some silhouette pictures. We are really impressed with how amazing they all look. Here is just one example.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Pictograms in Computing

Image of Pictograms in Computing

This week in Computing we used a software to create pictograms using data we had collected. We enjoyed collecting data from our friends! 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Door of Hope

Image of Door of Hope

2S have started the CAFOD Year of Hope by decorating our classroom door with sunshine. We decided as a class that sunshine brings us hope and will remind us to bring hope to others.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Music

This week we really enjoyed learning a new song called "Rainbow" in music and we learnt a melody on the glockenspiel using different notes. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


2S Recycling

Image of 2S Recycling

In our new Pastoral unit we have started looking at caring for God’s creation. This week we looked at household waste to see how it could be recycled, reused or repurposed. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Year 2 Party

Image of Year 2 Party

Year 2 had a great party this week. We even had a surprise visitor! 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Year 2 Nativity

Image of Year 2 Nativity

Wow!! What an amazing job year 2 have done this week with their Nativity performance. All of the year 2 team are super proud of all the children. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Class Mass

Image of Class Mass

Today 2S went to the chapel for mass. We enjoyed listening to Father Pawel and answering questions. When we came back to school we had a biscuit and juice with Mrs Finch, Father Pawel and members of the parish. Mrs Southward was really proud of us!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG