Helping our community

Image of Helping our community

On our walk in Moor Park we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak with some members of the community who were clearing up litter and cleaning out the waterfall. We had the chance to help by using the tools to remove the leaves from the path. It was great fun!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Walk in Moor Park

Image of Walk in Moor Park

It was an excellent day for a walk in Moor Park today. We gathered lots of ideas for our writing and enjoyed looking at the autumn leaves, seeds and berries.  Great behaviour and knowledge Year 2!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Making smoothies

Image of Making smoothies

Year 2 have been developing their food preparation skills over the last few weeks and have successfully made their own dips and smoothies. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Local walk

Image of Local walk

We had a fantastic time this week when we walked around the local area. We talked about the different things that we could see, hear, smell and feel. Mr Ingleby and Mrs Billingsley were impressed with the behaviour of the children and how good they were at spotting interesting things in the local…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Exercise keeps us healthy

Image of Exercise keeps us healthy

This week we have been learning about exercise and how it keeps us heathy.  We investigated how different exercises made us feel.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Survival!

In Science, we have been thinking about what humans need to survive.  We were good at recognising the difference between needs and wants.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Moving Pictures

Image of Moving Pictures

We kicked off our new DT unit by exploring and investigating with different materials to create a moving picture. We discussed the elements we would need to move a character in our picture and worked on our cutting and sticking skills. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Our Sunflower Growth

Image of Our Sunflower Growth

Six weeks ago we planted sunflower seeds and we have been monitoring their growth. The stems are now over 30cm! We have been keeping a diary and noting the changes that have happened during the term. This week we are going to take them home and repot them so they can grow into a full…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Sentence building

Image of Sentence building

This week, to help our fairytale writing, we completed a sentence building activity. We were given a selection of words including past tense verbs, adjectives and adverbs and we had to build our own sentences which we are hoping to use in our stories when we come to write them. The children were…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Our Bug Hotels

Image of Our Bug Hotels

This week is Science week!


We have looked at how to improve our school garden to support the wildlife and insects. We selected natural materials from around the garden to create bug hotels and we are hoping to come and visit every few weeks to see if any insects or animals have booked a…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Using clay

Image of Using clay

Today in Art we experimented with clay in preparations for making our own African pots. We tried to include different types of lines using clay tools. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Germination Hunt

Image of Germination Hunt

This week in Science we have started to our new topic on growing plants. We discussed what plants need to survive and planted our own sunflower seeds. We then went on a germination hunt around our school grounds.  

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG