Year 4 Pizza fun

Image of Year 4 Pizza fun

Year 4 have had a great time in DT. We’ve analysed and tasted what’s out there in the shops, planned our own pizza designs, made our own pizza’s practising valuable cutting and dough making skills, tasted them, then evaluated them! Bellisimo

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S Faith in action

Image of 4S Faith in action

4 Sacrament braved the elements and were fantastic ambassadors for our school whilst putting their own faith into action and helping the local community by litter picking at Grange park. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Faith in action

Image of 4B Faith in action

4B had discussed ways in which we could put our own faith into action and we decided that we wanted to give back to our local community as well as be stewards of Creation by going to Grange park and picking up any litter lying around.  Behaviour was impeccable and a brilliant morning was had by…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4 English

Image of Year 4 English

As a stunning start to our new English unit, The Weather Weaver, both classes went outside to look at the clouds and decide on what would be the best way to catch one.  We also thought about what we would want our own cloud to do and what its personality would be like, then went back in to class…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4 poetry slam

Image of Year 4 poetry slam

To consolidate our poetry unit of rehearsing and performing a poem, both classes got together to battle it out.  Lots of great performances using expression and intonation and an enjoyable time had by all. Well done Year 4!

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4 World Mental Health Day

Image of Year 4 World Mental Health Day

Year 4 showed our support of mental health by making yellow wristbands. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 4 Science

Image of Year 4 Science

Year 4 investigated the journey of food through the digestive system and were able to explain the process using the correct scientific vocabulary. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S RSPCA visit

Image of 4S RSPCA visit


Our local RSPCA Preston & District branch centre came to visit us to deliver a presentation about what the charity does for animals in the local area. Tanya and Sue answered any questions that the children had and they were very informative. After that, in groups, we created destruction…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



4S Torches

Image of 4S Torches


This term, in Science and DT, we have been learning about electricity. We planned our design, created our torch and evaluated our design. To make an electrical element we used batteries, wire and bulb to make the circuit. After that, we used card, tape and tissue paper to design the torch.…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Sports Day

Image of Sports Day

Luckily the weather held out and we had a fantastic afternoon on Sports Day. The children had lots of fun competing and cheering on their friends. Thank you to the parents and carers for attending.


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S Sports Day

Image of 4S Sports Day


On 4th July, 4 Sacrament enjoyed taking part and having fun on Sports Day.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Torches

In 4 Blessed we have been learning about electricity. We used what we had learnt to make a torch in Design Technology. We used batteries, wire and a bulb to make a circuit, then used card to make a case and switch. We were all very proud of our final products. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG