Class Mass

Image of Class Mass

Today 2S went to the chapel for mass. We enjoyed listening to Father Pawel and answering questions. When we came back to school we had a biscuit and juice with Mrs Finch, Father Pawel and members of the parish. Mrs Southward was really proud of us!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Moving pictures

Image of Moving pictures

Year 2 have made moving pictures using levers and sliders. This has gone alongside our topic of The Gunpowder Plot. Ask us what happened and why it failed!

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Fire Service

Image of Fire Service

This week year 2 have had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. They talked to the children about stop, drop and roll, how to make a fire plan, checking smoke alarms in your house and lots of other important information that would help if there was a fire in your home. The children all…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Animal Lifecycles

Image of Animal Lifecycles

In science year 2 are learning about animal lifecycles. Mrs Fletcher made us a video of her hen Vanessa and we asked her some questions about how a hen grows and how she looks after her so she survives. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Making Music

Image of Making Music

In our music this week we created different patterns using coloured counters. We used percussion instruments to follow the pattern. We then used chrome music lab on the ipads to create a musical pattern on the ipads. We had a vote to see which way of making music we enjoyed most. It wasn't a…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Plants

At the start of year 2 we planted some sunflower seeds so we could observe how plants grow and change. We were really excited to see how much they had grown (with a little bit of help from a greenhouse!) Today we have measured the height of the plant and identified the roots, stem and leaves.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


What a half term!

The year 2 team are all really impressed with how hard everyone has worked this half term. You have settled in really well and showed us how amazing you all are. We are looking forward to another fantastic half term after the holidays.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Moor Park

Image of Moor Park

A very wet but exciting walk around Moor Park this week! We saw squirrels, collected conkers,walked under a bridge, saw a pond and waterfall and found the observatory.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


A busy week in Year 2

Image of A busy week in Year 2

What an exciting week in Year 2. We have had a visit from a nurse to talk to us about how to keep our hearts healthy. We learnt how to find our pulse and some of us got to use her stethoscope. We have also followed our designs to make our smoothies. We cut the fruit, carefully placed all the…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Year 2 Geography

Image of Year 2 Geography

We are learning about the continents and oceans in year 2. We have learnt a song to help us remember the names of the continents and today we used a giant map outside! We ran to the correct continent when Mrs Southward shouted the name. We also played games in pairs and teams to find the different…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Cutting and chopping

Image of Cutting and chopping

In design technology we are going to be designing and making our own smoothies. We have tasted different flavours to help us create a design criteria and today we practised our cutting, chopping and peeling skills. We really enjoyed being chefs for the morning and are excited to make our smoothies…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Year 2 Visit Church

Image of Year 2 Visit Church

Year 2 had a lovely visit over to church this afternoon as part of our R.E. Work.

It was great to visit church and have the chance to ask questions and explore items that are in the church.

Ask your children to explain what the pictures are.


Category: YEAR 2 BLOG