Fantastic work!
More lovely work sent through by Ellie! Keep the emails coming - it is cheering Miss Bonsor up!
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Ebooks to read at home
Register here to access book banded reading books for your child.
Better still find an unusual place to read a book; in a den, under the table, up a tree etc.
Share your photos of your child reading on Tapestry.
Happy reading.
Home Learning ideas
The first pictures of 2B's home learning have been sent through.
Liliah is working hard learning about money with a home shop!
Share what you have been up to with Mrs Morris or Miss Bonsor - we look forward to seeing what you have been up to!
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Reception Home Learning
In Reception, children's learning should be play based as this is allows them to have fun, problem solve and consolidate skills learnt. The following link consists of a collection of fantastic activities to try at home. Please upload any photos or videos to your child's learning journey…
Home Learning in 3S
Good afternoon,
Just a reminder to keep and eye on your Purple Mash accounts for updated activities and to keep practising your times tables through TT Rockstars. Most of you will have received your home learning packs which included the letter with your usernames and passwords. Unfortunately…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Home Learning
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope everyone is well at this uncertain time and being safe. I trust that all of you have received your child's home learning activity sheets and enjoying lots of family time and creating memories, making the most of this situation we all find ourselves in. If you have…
Bright Sparks - Friday 13th March
It might seem a long time ago - but it's only 10 days since Year 6 were designing, testing and presenting findings about electrical circuits.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
World Book Day
On Thursday 5th March we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite colour. We read The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt and the children participated in a range of activities linked to colour.
Pancake Day
In Reception, we learnt about Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day. We role played making pancakes and designed our perfect pancakes, discussing our favourite toppings. We also practiced tossing them, counting how many we could flip without dropping it. In the afternoon we made the real thing.…
Outdoor Adventures - Bird Feeders
The reception children had a great time during outdoor adventures this week. We braved the winds and made our own bird feeders, using lard and bird seed. We attached some string and hung them from the bushes.
Year 3B
Year 3 have had a wonderful term, finishing with designing and preparing a healthy meal for Santa (we were a bit worried about him not fitting down our chimney's). We looked at the nutritional value along with different cutting skills.
Well done for all your hard work! Rest up ready for the…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG