A new half term
Welcome back. There is lots going on this half term so please keep checking the website. You should have all received the newsletter this week with important dates for the diary. We will shortly begin practising for the KS1 nativity - learning our lines and dance moves to perform on Wednesday 4th…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Reception Blessed Enterprise Day - Autumn 1
Reception Blessed had lots of fun making yummy Rice Crispy cakes for enterprise day. We used white and milk chocolate and different toppings, including fudge, marshmallow and sprinkles. We also took turns to sell our cakes to the rest of the school. Altogether we made an amazing £58! Well done to…
Amazing Artists
Year 2 have been creating self portraits using pencil crayons, paint and now salt dough.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Visit from Father Pawel
As part of our work in RE, Year 4 have enjoyed a visit from our parish priest Father Pawel. The children asked some very interesting and thoughtful questions about the vocation of priesthood and the role which Father has as the parish priest. Excellent work Year 4!
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Attendance Award
A great big well done to the children in Reception Blessed who won the attendance award two weeks in a row! Keep up the great work!
Stay and Play
We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us for our Stay and Play session on Friday 27th September. We enjoyed sharing our learning and hope you can join us for the next one!
Mrs Chauhan and Mrs Jacques
Blessed corridor on Roald Dahl Day
And it begins to bubble and crackle....
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Blessed corridor on Roald Dahl Day
Roald Dahl Day - we took inspiration from George's Marvellous Medicine and the hideous potion that George made for his cruel Grandma to "Shake her up a bit." We had so much fun and stunk out the classroom with our fizz popping potion.
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Clubs - Autumn Term
Starting this week!!
Get yourself signed up using the Parent's Evening booking system.
Monday - Tag Rugby with Mr Ingleby
Tuesday - Netball with Mr Thompson
Tuesday - Football with Mr Newton
Thursday - Girl's football with Mr Whalley
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Phonics Stay and Play
On Thursday 26th September Nursery will be having our first Stay and Play this term which is all about Phonics! You are welcome to attend 9.00am-10.00am and see how we teach Phonics in our Nursery through a selection of activities that will be out in our indoor environment. We will also be…
Music lessons
We are delighted to welcome Miss Ashton from Lancashire Music Service. So far this term we have practiced playing the glockenspiel and have started to learn to play the recorder.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 1 reading.
Just a quick note to say thank you all very much for listening to your children reading at home. Already, so many children have been bringing in their completed reading books daily, all ready for a new one!
Please remember to remind your children to place their completed reading books/records…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG