Our first weeks
As many of our children have now completed their first weeks in their Reception classes, we are learning lots of new routines and enjoying new found independence; especially at lunch time!
Last Friday we had a Roald Dahl day across school. In Reception we read the story 'The Enormous…
Welcome to Year 4!
Our PE days are currently on a Tuesday and a Thursday and your child can wear their school kit on these days.
On a Tuesday, we are working with TeamTheme (Matty and Jake) who are focusing on invasion games. On a Thursday, we welcomed a lovely lady from TeamTheme who…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Welcome to Year 3!
We are now into the 3rd week back after the summer holidays and the children are settling in well.
Some useful information:
- Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on a Thursday.
- Children can come into school wearing their PE kit on both days (black joggers, white polo and…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
The children in KS2 Blessed enjoyed a fabulous morning emersed in all things Roald Dahl. Each class put on a different activity based on one of this well-known author's books (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - a chocolate bar wrapper; George's Marvellous Medicine - a potion; and in Y6 The Twits…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Welcome to Year 2!
Hello and welcome to the new school year!
We are very excited to work with you and your child to create the best chances possible for their learning.
Please have a read of the presentation that was given to parents on Wednesday 11th September. It contains lots of useful information that will…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
I'm going to be in the newspaper!
How exciting! A gentleman came into school and took photographs of me with some of my friends - I wish it could have been more of you!
Mrs Morris took some photographs too which I have put below for you to see.
As soon as we know when they are going to be in the LEP, I will let you all…
Celebrating Fabulous Attendance
Our 100% attendance winners had a lovely time on Thursday baking buns with Mr Stickley. They had a great afternoon - well done for fabulous attendance and punctuality!
Category: Attendance Blog