
Image of English

Last week pupils spent time researching a famous person. They created a poster about the person and included many details about their lives and successes. Pupils then shared the information with a partner or in a small group. It was great to see pupils using their speaking and listening skills so…

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 13 October 2024

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG



Image of Gymnastics

Fantastic efforts from Year 5 in gymnastics this week. Pupils were asked to work with a partner to create a balance on a piece of apparatus. Excellent work from everyone!

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 13 October 2024

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Testing Materials

Image of Testing Materials

In Science this week, Year 5 have been investigating materials that dissolve in water and those that don’t dissolve. Pupils made excellent observations and developed their knowledge of solutions.

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 29 September 2024

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Fantastic photography

Image of Fantastic photography

In Art, we are looking at photographs. We have been learning how some images can be created through composition whereas others are created through editing.  This week took photographs to look like we were holding and drinking from a giant water bottle. 

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 23 September 2024

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Photo Booth fun

Image of Photo Booth fun

As part of our work on digital manipulation, pupils in year 5 had a fantastic time setting up a photo booth and using various props in their photographs. Lots of laughs and learning!

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 12 September 2024

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


BAE STEM workshop

Image of BAE STEM workshop

What a fantastic afternoon we had in Year 2. We welcomed some special visitors from BAE into class where we took part in a Roving Robot activity.  Our focus was on teamwork. We had to work together, listen to each other and make decisions to control the speed of the robot.  

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 26 June 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Mission together

The theme of our RE work last half term was 'How can we share what we have?' We were thinking about how we can spread Jesus' message of loving one another and how we might support our neighbours across the world. We found out about the work of Mission Together; the Pope's charity which supports…

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 13 June 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Clay pots

Image of Clay pots

Year 2 have enjoyed making clay tiles and pots in class. They have developed several skills including rolling to an even thickness, mark-making onto clay and joining clay pieces together.  Pupils made a pinch/thumb pot and a coil pot using the skills they had practised.

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 26 May 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Pictograms

Year 2 have combined their computing and maths skills to create pictograms using the iPads.

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 3 May 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Art - making salt dough models

Image of Art - making salt dough models

We have started our new art unit and in a few weeks we will make a clay pot. To help us practise the skills needed to manipulate clay we experimented rolling, coiling and twisting salt dough.

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 3 May 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


2S Sealife centre

Image of 2S Sealife centre

What a fantastic day at the Sealife centre! We have had great fun exploring all the exhibits and the children were marvellous marine biologists! Throughout the day they asked lots of questions, made careful observations and found out lots about sea creatures.  

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 6 March 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Secret codes and hidden treasure!

Image of Secret codes and hidden treasure!

Year 2 found an intriguing message in their classroom which led them on a quest to crack a secret code.  After an exciting adventure we found hidden treasure and discovered that our new History unit is titled Tutankhamun. We found out what an archaeologist does and practised excavating some…

Posted by /blog/author/nbillingsley on 29 February 2024

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG