
Image of Gardening

Year 1 Sacrament had an outside science lesson today. We weeded our flower bed and prepared the soil ready for sewing seeds next week. We discussed what a seed needs so it can grow, while we worked. We will keep you updated on our progress. 

Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 10 May 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Trees in the school garden

Image of Trees in the school garden

In science we are learning about plants and trees. This week we learnt about trees and the different parts of them. We made bark rubbings of the trunk. We investigated different types of trees to see if all the bark was the same. Ask us about what we discovered!


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 5 May 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Making sock puppets in Y1 Sacrament

Image of Making sock puppets in Y1 Sacrament

As part of our Design and Technology lessons this half term we are learning all about puppets. We made sock puppets and had great fun playing with them. We hope you enjoyed seeing them too!


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 5 May 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


RNLI Sponsored Walk

Image of RNLI Sponsored Walk

Year 1 are learning about charity. We are doing a mile a day in May to raise money for the RNLI. 


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 5 May 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Dog Training Club

Image of Dog Training Club

Dog training club had a lovely time outside today. We reminded Buddy about the trick he learnt last week (a spin in a circle) and this week we taught him to jump through a hoop. The children were so gentle and patient. Buddy was tired by the end!


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 23 April 2024



Y1S Seaside fun

Image of Y1S Seaside fun

We began our new history topic of the seaside today. We took advantage of the weather and made a mini seaside outside. The children absolutely loved it!


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 19 April 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Y1S puppets

Image of Y1S puppets

Today we explored a variety of puppets. It was a great start to our new design and technology unit. We will be learning all about puppets, designing and making our own. 

Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 19 April 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


I want a Pet!

Image of I want a Pet!

We had a lovely first day back after the Easter break!


Our new book in English is I Want a Pet by Lauren Child. We read it and then predicted what might hatch from the egg. There were lots of fantastic ideas.


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 15 April 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Library Bus

The Lancashire Library Service Library Bus visited us yesterday. Our new librarians chose nearly 400 new books for us to borrow. These will be in our school library soon. It was lovely to see the children so excited about books and reading. 

Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 29 March 2024



Palm Sunday

Image of Palm Sunday

Year 1 made palm branches in class last week. Next we went on a parade around school singing, “ Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings.” and waving our branches. 

Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 25 March 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Animal Sounds

As a start to our new English learning we used musical instruments and our voices to make animal sounds. We had great fun! 


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 24 March 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


St. Patrick’s Day

Image of St. Patrick’s Day

In Year 1 we learnt all about St. Patrick and why he became a Saint. We then did colouring, cutting and sticking to make our very own leprechaun!


Posted by /blog/author/tmoore/page:2 on 24 March 2024

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG