I'm going to be in the newspaper!

Image of I'm going to be in the newspaper!

How exciting! A gentleman came into school and took photographs of me with some of my friends - I wish it could have been more of you! 

Mrs Morris took some photographs too which I have put below for you to see.

As soon as we know when they are going to be in the LEP, I will let you all…


Celebrating Fabulous Attendance

Image of Celebrating Fabulous Attendance

Our 100% attendance winners had a lovely time on Thursday baking buns with Mr Stickley.  They had a great afternoon - well done for fabulous attendance and punctuality!

Category: Attendance Blog


A New Toy!

Image of A New Toy!

What a lovely day I've had today! I met a new friend and he gave me a gift - I am a very lucky pup indeed. My fox is my new favourite toy - it makes a rustling sound when I play with it which I love and the fabric has a similar feel to Miss Hannah's shopping bag which I enjoy chewing! Thank you…