Taking turns Y1S
We are working on sharing and taking turns in year 1. It isn’t slays easy for us! Why not play some games at home to keep working on it?
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
2S Recycling
In our new Pastoral unit we have started looking at caring for God’s creation. This week we looked at household waste to see how it could be recycled, reused or repurposed.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
6B Liverpool Trip
Last term, Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful day in Liverpool to enhance their learning in History and English. First we visited the Ancient Egypt exhibition at the World Museum which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, particularly when examining and learning about mummification. This was then followed by an…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Merry Christmas
We had a very special visitor at school last week. The children were all very excited to see Farther Christmas! We also made some reindeer food to guide the reindeer to our houses on Christmas Eve.
Miss Withnell, Mrs Jacques and all of the Reception team would like to wish Reception and…
Christmas around the world - Yr1 S
We have been looking at ways people celebrate Christmas around the world. In Nigerian some families weave palm fronds. We didn’t have any of those so we used festive colours to make a weave picture. The children really impressed me, their weaving skills were fantastic.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Year 1 Christmas Party
Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas Party and really enjoyed their special visitor. There was lots of giggles, dancing and games!
Miss McDermott and Miss Moore would like to wish all the children and their families a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Year 2 Party
Year 2 had a great party this week. We even had a surprise visitor!
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Year 6 Christmas Party
Year 6 had a great time at their Christmas party on Monday. They played games, danced to ‘Just Dance’ tracks and many prizes were won in the process.
The Year 6 team wish all the children and our families a very Merry Christmas.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
4S Faith in action
4 Sacrament braved the elements and were fantastic ambassadors for our school whilst putting their own faith into action and helping the local community by litter picking at Grange park.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Carol concert
My lovely singers battled their nerves and performed in front of a huge audience at St Walburge’s. They sang beautifully and with confidence.
Fundraising at the Friday bakery with 6S
Year 6 raised a hundred pounds for CAFOD on Friday at a special bake sale. Pupils worked hard through their own breaktimes to sell a variety of baked treats across the school. The morning was a great success!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 2 Nativity
Wow!! What an amazing job year 2 have done this week with their Nativity performance. All of the year 2 team are super proud of all the children. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG