Crumbles and Sparkles!
We were very enthusiastic when exploring the Crumble software to make the sparkle flash and change colour. Excellent programming Year 5!
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Feast of the Epiphany
We had a great start to our new year by attending Mass for the feast of the Epiphany. We also visited church to look at the Nativity scene. We thought about the gifts which the wise men gave to Jesus and reflected on what gifts we could give eg the gift of kindness, sharing, respect, forgiveness.
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Trip to Church
On Wednesday we enjoyed a visit to Church. We looked at the crib and even got to hold baby Jesus. Thank you to Mrs Finch, who help us whilst we were there.
There's a dinosaurs in our school!
We've discovered a dinousaur egg in our garden! We've even had letters from Mrs Rex and we are helping her by keeping her egg warm and safe. We are also helping her to find her way back to school by making maps.
Science in 3 S
Learning about bones in our body
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
This week we really enjoyed learning a new song called "Rainbow" in music and we learnt a melody on the glockenspiel using different notes.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Church Visit
This week we had a walk over to our church to see how beautifully decorated it was for Christmas. The Nativity scene was a favourite for all the children. We even got to hold baby Jesus.
This half term we are thinking all about dinosaurs. We have started this unit looking at a dinosaur egg, going on a dinosaur hunt and practising our cutting by making dinosaur teeth. We will also be sharing lots of stories about dinosaurs.
Please ask us at home about what we have…
Taking turns Y1S
We are working on sharing and taking turns in year 1. It isn’t slays easy for us! Why not play some games at home to keep working on it?
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
2S Recycling
In our new Pastoral unit we have started looking at caring for God’s creation. This week we looked at household waste to see how it could be recycled, reused or repurposed.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
6B Liverpool Trip
Last term, Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful day in Liverpool to enhance their learning in History and English. First we visited the Ancient Egypt exhibition at the World Museum which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, particularly when examining and learning about mummification. This was then followed by an…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Merry Christmas
We had a very special visitor at school last week. The children were all very excited to see Farther Christmas! We also made some reindeer food to guide the reindeer to our houses on Christmas Eve.
Miss Withnell, Mrs Jacques and all of the Reception team would like to wish Reception and…