Young Voices 2025

Image of Young Voices 2025

We truly could not be prouder of our fabulous children! All the singers represented our school with amazing, positive attitudes and we had an absolute ball! Their hard work and dedication in preparing for the concert just leaves me in awe of each and every one of them! Well done my lovely…



Art in Y1S

Image of Art in Y1S

We have been learning about Henri Rousseau in Year 1. This week we experimented using differing surfaces to collage a picture. We had some very creative results. Well done year 1S. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Blackpool Zoo Y1S

Image of Blackpool Zoo Y1S

We had a wonderful day observing the animals at Blackpool Zoo. We were able to use our newly learnt vocabulary of herbivore, carnivore and omnivore as well as finding animals that were mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians!


gallery-slideshow:Blackpool Zoo Y1S}

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



Image of Artwork

2S have been exploring colour mixing and have used their new skills to create some silhouette pictures. We are really impressed with how amazing they all look. Here is just one example.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Alston Observatory

Image of Alston Observatory

This week year 5 visited Alston Observatory.   Our visit started with a talk about the key features of the planets in our solar system. We then studied some star constellations in the planetarium. Finally we saw one of the giant telescopes which is used to observe the night sky. 

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

Last week we learnt all about Chinese New Year. 


In literacy we focused on the story of the Great Race and went out side to act out different parts of the story. We tried lots of different foods including noodles, which were a firm favourite with us all! We made lots of different crafts…



Door of Hope

Image of Door of Hope

5S have enjoyed designing their class door for the start of the CAFOD Year of Hope. We decided that Hope can lift you up and took some inspiration from the much loved Disney film, Up! 

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Year 4 Pizza fun

Image of Year 4 Pizza fun

Year 4 have had a great time in DT. We’ve analysed and tasted what’s out there in the shops, planned our own pizza designs, made our own pizza’s practising valuable cutting and dough making skills, tasted them, then evaluated them! Bellisimo

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Pictograms in Computing

Image of Pictograms in Computing

This week in Computing we used a software to create pictograms using data we had collected. We enjoyed collecting data from our friends! 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Hockey in the Winter Sun

Image of Hockey in the Winter Sun

One of new topics in PE this term is hockey. 5 Sacrament had fun practicing techniques in the lovely sun on Thursday afternoon! 

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Raising money for CAFOD world gifts

Image of Raising money for CAFOD world gifts

In the run up to Christmas Year 5 and 6 had the challenge of raising money for CAFOD world gifts.
5 Sacrament set a goal of trying to raise £100 to buy chickens, fishing equipment, bees, a forest school and teaching children to read for people in poor countries who aren’t as lucky as us. 

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Door of Hope

Image of Door of Hope

2S have started the CAFOD Year of Hope by decorating our classroom door with sunshine. We decided as a class that sunshine brings us hope and will remind us to bring hope to others.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG