Sports Day

Image of Sports Day

Luckily the weather held out and we had a fantastic afternoon on Sports Day. The children had lots of fun competing and cheering on their friends. Thank you to the parents and carers for attending.


Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 4 July 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Torches

In 4 Blessed we have been learning about electricity. We used what we had learnt to make a torch in Design Technology. We used batteries, wire and a bulb to make a circuit, then used card to make a case and switch. We were all very proud of our final products. 

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 28 June 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Rounders

Image of 4B Rounders

The children have enjoyed learning to play rounders over the last few weeks.

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 27 June 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Volcanoes in 4B

Image of Volcanoes in 4B

The children in 4B made paper maché volcanoes as part of their art project. Once they were painted, we were extremely pleased with how they turned out.

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 24 March 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Science Week in 4B

Image of Science Week in 4B

This year’s theme for Science Week was Time.

We decided to explore phones over time and began by making cup phones. This also linked in with our sound topic. We learned about how phones have evolved over the years and looked at a range of mobile phones from over the years and tried to order…

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 15 March 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Music

The children in 4B have been enjoying their music sessions with specialist teacher Mrs Rayton. This week they learnt a new song called ‘Let You Spirit Fly’ and played along on the glockenspiels.

4B Music Video

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 7 March 2024


4B Tree Planting

Year 4 had a fantastic morning planting trees with the River Ribble Trust. The children got stuck in, literally, to help the local environment.


Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 29 February 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Pizza Making

Image of 4B Pizza Making

As part of our work on Italy, we made pizzas in D&T. We planned our pizza, choosing the ingredients and then made it from scratch, including the dough! They were delicious!


Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 31 January 2024

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


3S Animation Videos

This half term in computing the children have been learning about animation. They have made a storyboard, background and characters. Today we made our animations using the iPads. 


Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 8 December 2022

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


The Rock Cycle

Image of The Rock Cycle

In Science, we are learning about rocks. This week we have been learning about the rock cycle, the three different types of rocks and how they are formed. Mrs Chauhan used chocolate to model each stage. We then categorised different rocks into the three types looking at their appearance and…

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 17 November 2022

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Music Notation

Image of Music Notation

In Music, we learnt about the notes crotchets and quavers. We took it in turns to make up our own patterns and asked our group to read the notes and clap the rhythm.

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 6 November 2022

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Investigating Rocks

Image of Investigating Rocks

This week we began our new science topic of Rocks and Fossils. We worked in pairs to look at and investigate a range of rock samples and made a note of what we noticed.

Posted by /blog/author/mchauhan on 6 November 2022

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG