Year 3 Sacrament Farm Trip

Image of Year 3 Sacrament Farm Trip

For English and Pastoral this term, 3 Sacrament went to visit Ridgeway Farm. We looked at where our food comes from, the uses of animals and habitats of animals on a farm. We really enjoyed going on the farm walk, feeding the animals and exploring the orchard. 

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Making Vegetable Soup.

Image of Making Vegetable Soup.

In DT this term, 3 Sacrament have been learning different techniques to cut vegetables. After we had chopped all our vegetables and herbs, we put them all in a soup maker. One batch of soup was smooth and the other was more chunky. Most of of us thought it was delicious! 

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Fire Safety Talk from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Image of Fire Safety Talk from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

In Year 6 today, we had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.

We recapped what we should do if we are ever involved in a fire within our homes.

  • Never play with matches
  • If your clothes catch fire …. Stop drop and roll
  • make a fire plan
  • have working smoking alarms
  • close…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!


Year 1 have had great fun this afternoon for the start of their new topic in history. We are learning about the history of the seaside. I am sure they will tell you all about it. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Year 4 Swimming

Image of Year 4 Swimming

Year 4 have made a tremendous effort with their swimming lessons this week - many children have overcome their fears of water and are developing life saving skills. The adults in school have been super proud to see how each class have developed in confidence and challenged themselves. The sessions…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 3 Story Sharers

Image of Year 3 Story Sharers

Year 3 wrote some fabulous alternative endings to the story Escape from Pompeii. Halima and Kai very bravely read theirs to the whole class then every child shared their story with a friend (or family member !) in Year 1 Blessed.

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


UV Dodgeball

Image of UV Dodgeball

On Friday we played dodgeball under UV lights. It was a lot of fun!

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


3S visit to the Ribchester Museum

Image of 3S visit to the Ribchester Museum

In History, we are looking at Roman Britain. For our stunning started, 3 Sacrament visited the Roman Museum in Ribchester. We got to explore different Romans artefacts, try on Roman armour and look at a Roman fort. After that, we went on a Ribchester Museum Trail and answered questions from the…

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


2B visit to Blackpool Sealife Centre

Image of 2B visit to Blackpool Sealife Centre

2B had a fantastic day at Blackpool Sealife centre learning all about ocean habitats. They made careful observations like real scientists and found out lots of facts! Well done 2B, we are proud of how well you represented our school.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Sealife Centre Blackpool

Image of Sealife Centre Blackpool

2Sacrament had a fantastic time at Sealife Centre this week. They found out lots of facts about ocean habitats and identified features on the different types of sea creature. Their behaviour and interest was excellent and we were very proud of how well they represented our school.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

The Nursery children had a fabulous day dressing up and taking part in lots of book related activities.





World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

We had a fantastic day, reading books and completing book related crafts like these super corner bookmarks.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG