
Image of Recycling

Happy New Year! Year 2 have made an excellent start to their new unit of work this week. In the coming weeks we are going to be learning more about how to reduce waste, re-use/re-purpose items and the importance of recycling.  

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


5 Blessed History

Image of 5 Blessed History

5B had a fabulous afternoon with a carousel of activities linked to our History learning this term about The Mayan’s.  We were introduced to their chronology, used sticks and stones for Maths, attempted our own glyphs (an early form of writing) and used our locational knowledge to identify Mayan…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Year 4 Viking Workshop

Image of Year 4 Viking Workshop

In Year 4 we have been learning about about the Viking times. Last week we had a special visitor who told us all about how life was like for the Vikings, how they chose a chief for battle, what a battle would have looked like and how they rowed on their longboats. We look at many different…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Carol concert at St Walburge’s

Image of Carol concert at St Walburge’s

We could not be prouder of the children who represented our school at the school’s carol concert at St Walburge’s on Friday night.  Despite the icy conditions, the children sang their hearts out and enjoyed every minute of it.  They have worked very hard throughout the term, both learning hymns…



3S Animation Videos

This half term in computing the children have been learning about animation. They have made a storyboard, background and characters. Today we made our animations using the iPads. 


Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


4B Martin Mere

Image of 4B Martin Mere

During our trip to Martin Mere we completed a pond dipping activity. We were given a net and a tray and we had to dip into the pond to collect living things. We were then able to classify the living things as vertebrates in invertebrates using the classification keys. We learnt the names of lots…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


5B Video editing

Image of 5B Video editing

We enjoyed using the iPads to look at different techniques used in video editing.  We experimented with different camera angles and a variety of ranges: close, mid and long, deciding which gave the better quality of sound.  Some interesting photos and videos!

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Levers and sliders

Image of Levers and sliders

In Design Technology we are making our own moving pictures using lever and slider mechanisms. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Hygiene rules

Image of Hygiene rules

This half term we are learning all about rules and why they are important for keeping us safe and healthy.  Our focus in this lesson was on washing hands.  We put glitter on our hands then had to wash it off. We noticed that even when we washed our hands really well, there were still some pieces…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Materials

This half term we are looking at materials and their properties. We started off by being a recycling machine. We sorted lots of different objects based on the materials they were made from.  We are looking forward to learning more about the properties and uses of materials.

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


The Rock Cycle

Image of The Rock Cycle

In Science, we are learning about rocks. This week we have been learning about the rock cycle, the three different types of rocks and how they are formed. Mrs Chauhan used chocolate to model each stage. We then categorised different rocks into the three types looking at their appearance and…

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Anti bullying week 5B

Image of Anti bullying week 5B

We ‘reached out’ and kicked off anti-bullying week by wearing our odd socks to show how unique every one of us is.  We then designed our own odd socks and celebrated our individuality.

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG