Archie’s conscience alley
Just wow Archie…4 days in to our unit and you are producing this…super proud of you and of all Year 6
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 battle scene - Macbeth
Year 6 became soldiers in the battle between Scotland and Norway during the introduction to our new English unit of Macbeth! Some fierce moves and fabulous vocabulary created!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
States of matter
In science this week year 4 pretended to be particles in the 3 states of matter. We found out that the particles in a solid are all squashed tightly together, in a liquid they stay together but they flow and in a gas they are spread out with lots of space. The photo shows 4B being the particles in…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 6 Blessed vs Sacrament
Year 6 have had a brilliant afternoon taking part in the Blessed vs Sacrament school football tournament. All the children were good team players and supported each other well whilst also having a really good time. We find out who the winners will be on Friday….Blessed or Sacrament…who…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Wow! What a masterpiece! The children in both classes collaborated to produce a large scale collage based on Moor Park, in the style of Henri Rousseau.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Our trip to Bolton Museum
On Friday we went on the minibuses to Bolton Museum to learn more exciting information about Ancient Egypt and the discovery of Tutankhamen tomb. We explored lots of different artefacts and even saw a real mummy.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Dips & Smoothies
As part of our DT unit this half term we have been learning all about food and the eat well plate. Over the past two weeks we have designed and created our own dips and smoothies, choosing the ingredients we would like to add. Last week we made dips and brought them home for our adults to try and…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
KS1 Mini Skills
This week the children in Year 2 competed at mini skills tournament at West View against 15 local school. They had many challenges - passing the ball without dropping it, kicking a ball to a target, an obstacle course, a relay race and a distance kick. The children behaved impeccably and we had…
NSPCC Number Day
Year 4B had a great day taking part in lots of maths challenges for NSPCC number day. Mrs Southward was very impressed with the effort everyone had gone to with their maths day clothes. Numbers on football shirts, a compass jumper and lots of home made outfits!
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
4B Pizzas
This week year 4 made their own pizzas! The children had researched different types of pizza, found out about Italian pizza making and then used all their new knowledge to make their own. The children really enjoyed being Italian chefs for the day.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Moor Park Trip
Children in Year 1 enjoyed their trip to Moor Park this week. We looked at the weather recording equipment next to the observatory and spotted signs of Winter. Both Mrs Jacques and Mrs Billingsley were impressed that the children could identify the equipment including weather vane, rain gauge,…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
6S Science walk
6S had a fabulous time at Avenham park looking at different flowering and non flowering plants and animals local to our area for our Science unit on classification
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG