Year 4 Water Cycle
Year 4 have been learning about states of matter in science. This week we continued our learning about evaporation and condensation. We did some investigations to explore water evaporating and then looked at how the gas changes back into a liquid. We also found out about the water cycle.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 6 Tag Rugby
Well done to our Year 6 Tag Rugby team who played in their first tournament on Thursday evening and won both matches! We play again next week - wish us luck!
Blessed Sacrament 4 - 2 Sherwood
On Tuesday night, the boys of the Blessed Sacrament football team made their way over to Corpus Christi to play their cup quarter final match against Sherwood Primary School.
It was a tough game where the after Blessed Sacrament took a 2-0 lead, Sherwood came back into the game and scored…
Year 6 talk about homelessness
Year 6 enjoyed listening to our visitors from Emmaus, who told us all about how they help the homeless people in Preston. Our children asked some thought provoking and meaningful questions and I was incredibly proud of them as were our visitors, who complimented their maturity and sensitivity in…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Our hunt for materials
This week we went on a materials hunt around school! We had to name and locate materials inside and outside of the building and explain why the were fit for purpose.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Key Stage Two Games January 2022
Well done to the children in Key Stage Two that represented the school so well at their games event this morning at Preston's College. They were fantastic ambassadors and were delighted with the medals that they earned.
Bird Feeders
In Year 1 we have been learning about what happens to animals in Winter. We found out that some animals hibernate during the cold Winter months. It can be difficult for birds to find food during Winter so we have made bird feeders from pine cones, lard and seeds. Next week we will be spotting…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
RS Shape Treasure Hunt
Reception Sacrament went on a treasure hunt around school. We received clues, then had to find the correct 3D shapes. We discovered some delicious chocolate at the end. We sat in the library and enjoyed a story whilst eating our well deserved treasure.
Local area walk
4B have been so busy this week. To help us with our map drawing we went for a walk around the area local to school to spot street names and features. We then drew our own route maps when we got back to school.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Church Visit
As part of our RE this half term, Year 4 visited Church to have a look at what is used in a Baptism in church. They very much enjoyed their visit and were pleased to get back into church again after so long.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 4 finally made it to Brockholes for the long awaited trip!
We enjoyed a walk to the forest, mini beast hunting and bird watching as well as eating our lunch with a fantastic view.
Take a look at the pictures to see what we got up to!
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Investigating materials
This week in Science we have been exploring materials and their properties. We had to search for items around our classroom that would fit into each category. We explored transparent, translucent, opaque, rigid, flexible and waterproof. Can you test us to find out what each of them means?
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG