The Iron Man

Image of The Iron Man

Last term, we read the novel ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes as our class novel.

We really enjoyed it and have been waiting since we finished reading it to start our English unit.

In our first lesson, we investigated some of the wonderful vocabulary that the author used to describe The Iron Man…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 10 June 2024

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Lifecycle of a plant

Image of Lifecycle of a plant

Our current science topic is Plants.  In our most recent lesson, we learnt about the different stages in the lifecycle of a flowering plant. 

To recap the stages please have a look at the following website.


Once we were…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 10 May 2024

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


3S Making Music

Image of 3S Making Music

In Year 3 this half term, we have been very lucky to have been joined by Mrs Rayton from the Lancashire Music Service.  She is an expert in teaching music and is a much better singer than Mr Thompson!


Over the last few weeks, we have been learning how to sing the gospel song ‘He’s Got The…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 2 May 2024

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


3S Trip to Ridgeway Farm

Image of 3S Trip to Ridgeway Farm

On Monday, 3S got their wellies on and went to Ridgeway Farm.

When we arrived, we were greeted by Farmer Helen and some rather unpleasant smells!

Next, we went into the farm and had a chat with Farmer Helen about what kind of farm she ran and learnt some interesting facts about how lots of…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 24 April 2024

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Y3 RNLI Visit

Image of Y3 RNLI Visit

Today we were lucky to be visited by Mary and Charles from the RNLI. The came to teach us how to ‘Respect the Water’.

We learnt a lot about how we can keep ourselves safe when we are near lots of different types of water including lakes, rivers, canals and at the…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 16 January 2024

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Y3 Trip to Moor Park

Image of Y3 Trip to Moor Park

In Geography, we have been learning about our local area and investigating it using maps.  We have learnt the difference between human and physical features and decided we needed to try and see some of these with our own eyes.


The children were fantastic and could spot human and physical…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 12 October 2023

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


3S Science Investigation

Image of 3S Science Investigation

In Year 3, we have been learning all about our bodies and what we are made of.  We have learnt about our skeletons and can name some of the main bones and what their jobs are.


We decided that we wanted to conduct an investigation and came up with the question - Do longer legs make you run…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 12 October 2023

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


First Aid

Image of First Aid

In Year 3, we have been thinking about how we can keep ourselves and each other safe so we invited Nurse Isla to come in and teach us some basic first aid.


The children learnt how to put a plaster on correctly, how to bandage an injury and what to do if they find themselves in need of…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 21 September 2023

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Bollywood Dance

As part of our curriculum in Year 3, we are learning about the different cultures which make up the population of Preston.


We were very lucky to get to spend some time with Nital who offered to teach us some traditional Bollywood dances.  The children loved participating and performed some…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 21 September 2023

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


First Week in Y3

What an amazing week that we have had in Year 3!  The children have settled into their new routines wonderfully.

In Year 3, we are putting a huge focus on ensuring that we are developing our skills of reading and our times tables.  Your child should have come home with their Boom Reader login…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 10 September 2023

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Fire Safety Talk from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

Image of Fire Safety Talk from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

In Year 6 today, we had a visit from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.

We recapped what we should do if we are ever involved in a fire within our homes.

  • Never play with matches
  • If your clothes catch fire …. Stop drop and roll
  • make a fire plan
  • have working smoking alarms
  • close…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 24 April 2023

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


English in 6S

Image of English in 6S

In our English lessons over the last week we have been reading a book called 'The Island' by Armin Greder.  We have found this book very interesting and thought provoking.

The book is about a man who gets washed up on an island with nothing to his name and the islanders have to decide whether…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson on 11 October 2022

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG