Harvest at The Blessed Sacrament

Image of Harvest at The Blessed Sacrament

We would just like to say a huge thank you for all the amazing donations that we have received for our Harvest Festival.


Also a big well done to the Year 6 children who led our Harvest assembly today.


Mrs McCaul



Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 7 October 2022



Perspective Art

Image of Perspective Art

In Year 6, we have been investigating the use of perspective.  This is the representation of 3D objects in in 2D pieces of art.   We have learnt about the horizon line and the focal point.

We then used this knowledge to produce our own piece of art.  I think there are some amazing artists in…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 24 September 2022

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG



Image of Swimming

In Year 6 this week, 6B have started their swimming lessons at Fulwood Leisure Centre.

I had the privilege of joining the class on their first session on Wednesday and I was blown away by the bravery of some of the children who had never stepped foot in a pool before.

I was also massively…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 21 September 2022

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Whole School Mass

Image of Whole School Mass

On Wednesday, the whole school attended the first Mass of the year.


It was a proud day for some of the members of Year 6 as they performed admirably in helping Mrs McCaul set up church ready for us and then giving readings and performing the bidding prayers.


The rest of Year 6 were…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 15 September 2022

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


First Week in Year 6

Image of First Week in Year 6

It has been a great week back at school and we have loved being in Year 6.

We have enjoyed being able to sit on benches during our assemblies, being given more responsibilities around school and some of the stunning starts to our learning.


In RE this week we went outside onto the…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 9 September 2022

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Image of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

To celebrate the 70 years the Queen has been on the throne, 5B made some Union Jack bunting and learnt some interesting facts about Her Majesty’s reign.

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 27 May 2022

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Blessed Sacrament 4 - 2 Sherwood

Image of Blessed Sacrament 4 - 2 Sherwood

On Tuesday night, the boys of the Blessed Sacrament football team made their way over to Corpus Christi to play their cup quarter final match against Sherwood Primary School.


It was a tough game where the after Blessed Sacrament took a 2-0 lead, Sherwood came back into the game and scored…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 27 January 2022



Mayan Trading in 5S

Image of Mayan Trading in 5S

In 5 Sacrament, as part of our history topic we have been learning about the Ancient Mayans.  This week we focused on how trading was an integral part to the survival of the Mayans.


We investigated what items they would have traded and then created our own market place and attempted to…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 12 January 2022

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Art Exhibition

Image of Art Exhibition

This week in 5S, we have been preparing for the art exhibition which is going to show case the amazing art work that we produced a couple of weeks ago.


In Year 5, we were inspired by Jackson Pollock and created some amazing street art with a twist.  Our pieces are called ‘Caught in the…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 26 November 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Ukulele in 5S

This half term in year 5 we will be spending some time with a specialist teacher to develop our skills in playing the ukulele.


Last week we learnt how to hold the ukulele correctly, the names of the strings and how to play the A chord.

This week we are learning all about major and minor…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 12 November 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Andy Warhol Inspired Pop Art in 5S

All this term we have been investigating the work of pop artists and specifically the work of Andy Warhol.  We have looked at the techniques he used and have attempted to use them to create our own piece of pop art.

We took an everyday item and tried to produce a copy of it 4 times.  We then…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 18 October 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


Online Safety in 5S

Image of Online Safety in 5S

In our computing lessons this half term our focus is on online safety.  This week we have been discussing the idea of digital manipulation.  We investigated the reasons why this can be positive for some people but also how it can have a negative effect too.  The children learned that any picture…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:2 on 24 September 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG