First Full Week in 5 Sacrament

Image of First Full Week in 5 Sacrament

It has been a very busy week in 5 Sacrament this week!  We have got our all routines in place and have been working very hard. 

  • In RE, we learnt about how God called Moses in the story of Moses and the Burning Bush from the Old Testament.
  • In PE, we have continued to work on our throwing…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:3 on 9 September 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


First Day Fun in 5 Sacrament

Image of First Day Fun in 5 Sacrament

During our first day back after the summer holidays, 5 Sacrament participated in a PE lesson where we worked on our ability to work in a team.  We had lots of fun trying to solve a series of challenges that Mr Thompson set us.

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:3 on 2 September 2021

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


A special delivery!

Image of A special delivery!

This half term we are going to be learning all about growing and life cycles. 

We have had a very special delivery of caterpillars! They are only tiny at the moment but we will keep posting lots of pictures so we can look at how they grow and how they change over the next few…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:3 on 17 April 2020



Home Learning in 3S

Good afternoon,

Just a reminder to keep and eye on your Purple Mash accounts for updated activities and to keep practising your times tables through TT Rockstars.  Most of you will have received your home learning packs which included the letter with your usernames and passwords.  Unfortunately…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:3 on 23 March 2020

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Welcome to Year 3!

We are now into the 3rd week back after the summer holidays and the children are settling in well.


Some useful information:

  • Indoor PE is on Monday and outdoor PE is on a Thursday.
    • Children can come into school wearing their PE kit on both days (black joggers, white polo and…

Posted by /blog/author/dthompson/page:3 on 18 September 2019

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG