Exercise keeps us healthy
This week we have been learning about exercise and how it keeps us heathy. We investigated how different exercises made us feel.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Counter balances in Year 4
This week in PE we developed our skills when creating a counter balance. We worked in pairs to support one another’s body weight using different levels. We are going to continue to develop this by creating a sequence next week using a variety of individual and paired balances.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
This week in Phonics we have been learning some new phonemes. We have been practising forming the new graphemes. The children have been working hard to ensure their formation is improving. Well done Reception
Science Research in 3S
This week we have been continuing to learn about our bones. We thought of some questions and used the laptops to find out the answers.
- Did you know we have 206 bones in our body?
- Did you know a baby has more bones than an adult?
- Did you know the longest bone is called the femur which is…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Science Research in 3S
This week we have been continuing to learn about our bones. We thought of some questions and used the laptops to find out the answers.
- Did you know we have 206 bones in our body?
- Did you know a baby has more bones than an adult?
- Did you know the longest bone is called the femur which is…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Bridge Making in 3S
In 3S we are learning about bridges in our design and technology sessions. This week we had a go at making a bridge structure using cocktails and marshmallows. We then had a go at making our own. We had lots of fun and even got to eat some marshmallows as a treat!
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Year 4 basketball
This half term we are working on our skills within basketball on our new muga. Today we focused on dodging, dribbling and shooting. The children loved spending some time within our new area and using the new basketball hoops!
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 5 Netball
Year 5 having enjoyed learning new netball skills and putting their chest pass and shooting pass into practise - some promising netballers amongst us
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Perspective Art
In Year 6, we have been investigating the use of perspective. This is the representation of 3D objects in in 2D pieces of art. We have learnt about the horizon line and the focal point.
We then used this knowledge to produce our own piece of art. I think there are some amazing artists in…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
In Science, we have been thinking about what humans need to survive. We were good at recognising the difference between needs and wants.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
We have really enjoyed our PE lesson today. We have learnt why it is important to warm our bodies up before we exercise and noticed some changes to our heart rate when we have exercised.
The children learnt some new games such as follow my leader and duck, duck, goose. It was lovely to see them…
In Year 6 this week, 6B have started their swimming lessons at Fulwood Leisure Centre.
I had the privilege of joining the class on their first session on Wednesday and I was blown away by the bravery of some of the children who had never stepped foot in a pool before.
I was also massively…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG