Image of PANTS!

In 6 Sacrament this week we have revised the PANTS rules and discussed how we can ensure that our behaviour towards ourselves and others is respectful. Please follow this link to continue the discussions at home: 

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Year 1B Blackpool Zoo

Image of Year 1B Blackpool Zoo

What a great day we had a the zoo.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Outdoor PE

We all enjoyed a lovely PE lesson this afternoon. We have been learning how to do underarm throws. Today, we used tactics to try and win a game. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Our Father

Year 1 have been learning the Our Father prayer as part of our pastoral learning. They have learnt it so well and sing beautifully. Ask them to sing it for you at home…



Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Story sharers

Image of 4S Story sharers

Year 4 Sacrament shared their innovated stories based on 'Puss in Boots' to a child in Year 2 Sacrament. We received some great feedback!



Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Visit to Church

Image of Visit to Church

As part of our pastoral learning around Baptism, Year 4 visited church to see what happens. 

The children enjoyed seeing the visible signs of Baptism, exploring the Font and speaking to Deacon Michael about his experiences of Baptism. 






Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Image of Yoga

4 Blessed loved having a taster session of Yoga!

They found the strategies for relaxation and reducing anxiety really helpful - we continued them when we returned to the classroom! Ask your child to show you.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Pizza Making

Image of 4B Pizza Making

As part of our work on Italy, we made pizzas in D&T. We planned our pizza, choosing the ingredients and then made it from scratch, including the dough! They were delicious!


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S Making Pizza

Image of 4S Making Pizza

In DT, this term, 4 Sacrament have been learning about Italian food and have been focusing on cooking. We started by tasting a range of pizza styles to evaluate existing products in preparation for planning and designing our own pizzas. We made fresh dough, kneaded the dough and gathered our…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Meet Sid

We would like to introduce you to Sid.


Sid is an African Land Snail and has recently moved into school. Year 1 have are fascinated with him and are having great fun watching him and even bathing him! Sid has arrived at the perfect time as we learn all about animals in science this half…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



The whole school have had yoga sessions over the last two weeks. Year 1 Sacrament thoroughly enjoyed their turn today. Their behaviour was wonderful and there was a lovely calm feeling in the room. Maybe they can show you some of the things they did at home?

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Yoga

Image of 4S Yoga

4 Sacrament enjoyed having a session of Yoga. We found some strategies to support us with our well-being. We learnt how to be mindful and how to be more present in the moment. 


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG