PSHE Mental Health

Image of PSHE Mental Health

Year 4 have been learning about different strategies that you can use to improve your mental health.

This beautiful poster was created by 4 children in 4 Blessed and reminds us all how we can look after our mental health.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 6 visit to Queen Street Mill

Image of Year 6 visit to Queen Street Mill

Year 6 have really enjoyed bringing our History topic to life and experiencing what life was actually like for the cotton mill workers.  The children experienced weaving along with a very informative tour of the mill and description of each job role within the factory.  The children’s behaviour…

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG



Image of Sandwiches

In DT, we have been practising our cutting, spreading and grating skills ready for making our own Jubilee sandwiches.  

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



Image of Flags

After practising sewing skills a few weeks ago, year 4 put them to good use when creating their own flag. Ask us what the olympic rings represent and for information about the first olympic games in Ancient Greece.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Year 6 SAT’s breakfast

Image of Year 6 SAT’s breakfast

We’ve had a very busy week with SAT’s but were able to enjoy a nice breakfast together each morning to chat and relax.  The Year 6 team are proud of each and every child and the resilience and determination that all the children have shown this week.  Go Year 6!!

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG



Image of Textiles

Year 4 are going to be creating their own version of the Olympic flag. This week we have practised our sewing skills. It was very challenging but the children were all very resilient. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Moving Pictures

Image of Moving Pictures

We kicked off our new DT unit by exploring and investigating with different materials to create a moving picture. We discussed the elements we would need to move a character in our picture and worked on our cutting and sticking skills. 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



Image of Electricity

Year 4 have started their new topic in science. We have found out about where electricity comes from and sorted equipment into mains or battery power.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Image of Emergency!

Children in Year 1 have been learning what to do if there is an accident. We talked about when we needed to tell an adult and when we might need to call the emergency services. We then role played calling 999.  The children had an excellent understanding about who they might need to contact for…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Science Competition

Image of Science Competition

Congratulations to 5Sacrament for winning our ‘What is it?’ Competition during Science week. Thank you for all the entries to the poster competition. As you can see from the photograph the entries were fantastic. The overall winner was Hrithik.

Category: YEAR 6 BLOG


Do plants need soil to grow?

Image of Do plants need soil to grow?

During science week, 4B planned an investigation to find out if plants need soil to grow. We found out that no, plants don't need soil to grow, however, soil helps the plant to grow healthily. The children will be using the results to plant and look after their own sunflower plants over the next…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Our Sunflower Growth

Image of Our Sunflower Growth

Six weeks ago we planted sunflower seeds and we have been monitoring their growth. The stems are now over 30cm! We have been keeping a diary and noting the changes that have happened during the term. This week we are going to take them home and repot them so they can grow into a full…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG